For the benefit of everyone in Tamil Nadu, We have chosen the most efficient, Physically and mentally alert experts from the core fields like Law, Revenue, Finance, Police, Labour Laws and etc… and brought them under one roof.
The rapidity of change that is taking place in Social, Political and economic environment is creating a marked impact on organizations as well as individuals. Evidently what is different and most important now is the pace of change. The present day changes have been more rapid, complex, most turbulent and most unpredictable than ever before. So we do not afford to have time to search or identify competent experts or Advisors who could give perfect intelligent solutions to the issues / problems. Even if we find or identify them each one would be available in different places or different directions. Again the most important requisite for any success, co- ordination or a central command would be conspicuously absent. The officer/ professional who co-ordinates or does the job of Central Command must be a reputed and knowledgeable professional. Nowadays the availability of such a professional has become scarce.
Big Companies and Corporate Houses may keep “SHRI SS GLOBAL VENTURES” as their retainer for a formidable moral strength and legal support by paying a monthly retainer fee. “SHRI SS GLOBAL VENTURES” conducts periodical training programmes, workshops, seminars etc., for its retaining companies. Such programmes will stimulate and sharpen the administrative efficiency of various executives in those organizations.
All other organizations and elite people can get solution to any serious or complex problem. Billing will be done on the basis of the complexity of the issue.
A Short Introduction of our Professionals / Team Members :